Leaving a job can often be an extremely tricky and daunting task. Let us take my most recent departure, for example. I worked for the NHS but I knew I was sinking into a rut. I had made some good friends, was earning a steady wage but the chances for career progression were limited outside…
Category: Business Finance
Monetising YouTube
YouTube has become one of the internet’s most incredible sensations of recent years, maybe even the most impactful thing the internet has ever seen. As the popularity of the website surged people inevitably started to think about money and how they could make it from the service. Musicians got involved, performers got involved and so…
Crowd Funding For Business
As a start-up business or a business looking to expand you will take into account different sources of finance. Crowd funding could be an option for you. It offers an alternative method of sourcing capital to conventional methods such loans that may be unfamiliar to some. Crowd funding is the method whereby you pitch your…
Why An Accountancy Job doesn’t have to be Boring
Every Business needs and accountant, that’s a fact. A business accountant is always going to be in demand, and it has often been labelled a ‘boring job’, but that really doesn’t have to be the case. Accountancy is a subject which can see split opinions, and if you’re passionate about the economy, than accountancy job…
Should You Ever Consider a Business Loan?
Loan has become quite a negative word in the media today, and the general rule of thumb, in terms of advice about loans is’ don’t get one’. That shouldn’t be the case, and if you’re business is progressing well, and an extra boost can really strengthen your business, then it could be a really good…
Finding Buyers for Your Business
There comes a time when individuals have done what they can with their business, perhaps they see its potential fading or perhaps a business owner feels he or she has taken it as far as they can take it, meaning it’s time to find a buyer. Buying a business can be a lengthy process, and…
Becoming a Financial Investor
There’s no doubt about it, there are plenty of success stories out there when it comes to investing. For example, whoever invested in companies such as Facebook and Twitter will be laughing today, however, financial investment can often involve a great deal of luck and fortune. That said, it is important not make any ‘rookie’…
Financial Strategies for Businesses
Many businesses if not all, will require some form of a financial strategy, especially those businesses that make large purchases. A financial strategy ensures that money is properly managed. This type of strategy can help businesses determine the amount of cash they can allow to be used. The financial health of a business is fundamental,…